
Curb Ball....PT 2

so where did i leave off....?
gabby asked me if i had her wallet in my purse....knowing full damn well i didnt, i checked and of course, it wasnt in there......but she had to go get on stage for her last poem.....while up there performing, i continued to look for her wallet, through her purse, my purse, the floor, the surrounding area.....but to no avail....

.....when she got back off stage, we continued to search for her wallet, retracing our last few steps and the last time she was 100% sure she had the wallet....which, of course, was the bus trip.....when i didnt have any change.....we searched and searched and searched....she went looking outside....walked up the street, literally retracing each of our steps from the bus stop to the venue......no wallet

i was inside still....still searching....the same places over and over again....we had only been from the bus to the spot, and once we sat down, we were down....i mean we were in a new spot where we didnt know anyone, so we didnt do much moving around....in the meantime, people were buying cds....i was at the table, selling both her and my cds, while she was outside looking for her wallet and on the phone with the bus station....

too make a long story much shorter (cause it is a looooong story)...basically....we didnt find it....oh and we missed the last bus back to daynomi's house, because remember, she was at the studio still.....so we didnt have a ride...it was nearing two am....our night was wonderful.....our performances were dope, representing and fulfilling....the audience feedback was amazing and the love we got was super dope....we both sold out of cds....well not me, but i only had a couple left....we got major love from the other poets, the slam team members and the audience......it couldnt have gotten off to a better start....if that was a detail account of what was too come, we were about to be set.....and then this....of course....a rain parade....

and we didnt have a ride....but...luckily enough we were able to find several people who were willing to take us back to the spot....we ended up riding with two of the slam team members, who doubled as a power couple and stayed in the one of the dopest loft buildings in charlotte....we rode with them and they talked to us about charlotte, about the slam and other random things....they were both really dope poets as well, so to have them showing us this kinda love, especially in such a turbulent moment, was the shit...the funny thing is we were riding in the car with two people, three at one point, of which we would have been competing against at the Southern Fried Slam.....lol....but i digress.

we got back to daynomi's with hopes, and i mean i was praying hope into the living room, that we would get there and find the wallet positioned on the bed somewhere....forgotten....we searched....searched....searched...
and searched some more.....gabby proceeded to call to get her cards cut off....OH YEAH!!! the wallet had everything in it....ID....license....credit cards, bank cards, cash....whatever else.....so it was an important find.....but we never found it.....the stress entered the room quickly.....well, it was on her back before we got into the house.....i mean we looked hard.....in the end (to shorten the story again), there was no choice but to leave.....we had been in NC for roughly days....we had another feature on friday and were set to hit the road that monday....and now this....

gabby told me she was going home.....there was no choice...she had NO ID what so ever....she told me that she didnt mind if i stayed and continued on the tour......but in good faith, i really couldnt...i came with my girl, i leave with her.....if the shoe was on the other foot, i would have told her the same thing, but i would have been hurt had she stayed....so it was only right that i left....with her.....by the end of that night, we had been to the police station, on the phone with the bus station trying to figure out how we were even getting home becasue we had only done ONE show at the time, so while we sold cds, we each were working with meager pocket accommodations.....PLUS there was the ID thing....i mean, how could she get on the bus, plane or a train without one...???

the night just kept getting longer....it had to have been five a.m. when we got to the police station....when we got  the airport, maybe just before six or around six....A.M. ...still running off little sleep, i just put my head on my luggage and found a few catnips in between gabby trying to figure out how to purchase and board a plane with no id....oh....and of course the flights were 999.00 to go home if purchased that night...LOL...the next day they were 106....soooo.....it was decided that we must get a hotel room.....the tour was becoming more over by the minute....i was dealing with crazy emotions because i just figured all of this was for nothing....i lost my bf for nothing....(i know, dont say it)....i came here for nothing.....we had a show for nothing....(i know, dont say it).... 

by 730 am, we had a hotel room....red roof inn....internet access.....we were right next to a cracker barrel and a waffle house.....by this time, it was light outside, the tour was officially a wrap and it was early friday morning...i got us food from waffle house and we looked up tickets again and began to unwind at the red roof...finally.....we started laughing.....we had our last laugh about 12am back at the wine up when we were celebrating each others first great sets.....and now....some seven hours later, we were able to laugh again...!!!!

we arranged a flight back home, talked to Steph from Brooklyn to pick us up and ate our food and went to sleep.....when we got back up, later that evening, we ate again at cracker barrell, continued to laugh about the whole situation, probably to keep from crying, and talked to Daynomi about making that nights show.....our flight wasnt until saturday, so we would be in the hotel all night......we made the show, it was .....ok.....came back to the room and my ultra sensitive ass had to fight the tears because Daynomi looked so disappointed, but she understood....i felt soooo bad, but it was out of my hands and there was little to be done about it, but for us to go home.....

by saturday evening, we were back at the crib....steph picked us up and dropped us off.....we had made a pact that no one would be told that were home....it was too embarrassing....it seemed like a failure and even though we had a very valid reason for coming home, people's perceptions are a MF and we just wanted to avoid the whole "they swore they were leaving for a month"....lol....we agreed to keep our "home visit" on the downlow because gabby was just going to get her some new id, wait on the bankcard to come in the mail and we would rent a car and hit the road....road tripping to the east coast...it was set in our minds already and we couldnt just throw it away....not when there was a recovery way...so we did....kept real silent about being home....it was hard too....too stay quiet....to remain in the house when SOOOO much was going on in the city....there were slams, kevin sandbloom was back, mudd jones featured, midtown, eclectic poetic had a show, i mean the list went on of all the stuff i wanted to do.....then the IM's....everytime i got on facebook, people were like "how's the tour going"....HA...i hated lying so i would either let my computer get frozen up...lol....then i adopted the "i'm saving the details for the blog" message.....folks would be like where are ya'll....hahahahah...i started to say home a couple of times....but of course i didnt...i went to walmart a couple of times, damn near crawling on the floor incognito trying not to be found out....

i was sooo nervous someone would see me.....hahahahahah....we made it though....after just over a week of being home, we hit the road yesterday and so the tour has officially begun and this classified G1 info is able to be leaked....its been funny.....to say the least.....adventurous.....a lot of the times when people would ask how's the tour going, i would say "its interesting"......being at home like a prisoner, unable to go anywhere, with only a handful of people to know you are there is very interesting to say the least....but we made it....

and today....we both woke up at washington, DC...well actually Laurel, MD...its 10am and im ready to go....gabby is still laying down, half sick, half sleep.....im wide awake.....have been on and off since around seven....i told ya'll....I DONT SLEEP OUT OF TOWN and i really dont understand people who do....im ready to hit washington.....im ready to go sight seeing and i guess we have the whole day to do it, but im ready like right now.....!!!! LOL....but what can you do....once in my life i will travel completely solo so i can go and come as i please, when i please and really not have to wait on anyone to do anything.....i actually think before its all over, i will be a solo traveler all the time....and i totally understand those who do it.....but for now, it is what it is....and im just so glad not to be at home, in hiding that it doesnt matter ...im about to take a shower (OMG) and head to the gas station for a black.....
and now that the tour is back on...
with blessings from Daynomi, who has gone her own way now......but she knows, at least she should, that all three of us will share a stage together again....she's an amazing person/woman.....she opened her heart and her tour to two people she barely knew, and then proceeded to give us the shows she couldnt make it to at this point.....i love her forever!!!

and now....my fingers hurt....but if my pen should run out of ink before i get the chance to blog again, let it be said that life throws curb balls all the time.....u can either be prepared to catch one at any given moment, or get knocked the fuck out!!!


  1. Girl, u something else! I am over here cracking up laughing at this mental image of u on covert missions to Walmart, slinking thru isles like Bond, ducking behind pruduce stands thinking u see somebody u know. LMAO! But it does sound like it was rough to catch the SS Dream only to watch it sail away without you after the first port. :o( Glad u didn't give up, u back in action living the dream. See u when u get back. ~Stacia

  2. Glad you continued on with the tour:) Have a great time.
    Lol... Incognito in Walmart? Girl, I was laughing hilariously reading this... OMG!!!

  3. As this is my first time really reading a BLOG, I found this to be VERY interesting...! I was captivated by every word. I could see her sitting in a room, comfortably typing on the laptop... Every breath you took... Smiling as you write because it comes from within. I have to jump on this plane back to the "Ville" but, I enjoyed killing time reading here and I'm mad I can't continue at the moment. But isn't that what life's about...moments? I can't wait to read EVERYTHING on your blog and can't wait for more to come!!! YOU GOT SKILLZ LADY!!

    -Mr. TakitEZ...

  4. Ya'll are some straight nutz!!! Incognegro in Walmart!! LOL I'm glad you didn't let the lost wallet stop you though! It's okay to stumble, fall down even, as long as you get back up, regroup and keep it movin! You two are not waiting on your destiny, you're meeting it halfway!! One of my favorite lines on Truth B. Told's CD is "All I need was a chance, so I gave myself one!" That's what you all are doing and you DO THE DAMN THING!!!

    Blessings to you both! Have fun and do things you're not supposed to do! *and then tell us about it!* LOL

  5. heeeeyyy....ppl hardly ever comment, so im just now seeing these....imagine my surprise when i saw it was FIVE comments!!!...im very glad you guys enjoyed the blog and please come back again...i love posting them and they are here for your enjoyment on the honest craziness that goes on in my life...walmart was soooo funny...i even had a post on fb where someone asked me how DID the tour go...i was thinking, "damn, i've been found out" LOL !!! Love you guys....it doesnt stop here!!
