
Black Women Are in Denial & Have Run Off Men.

This was posted on my facebook wall today by someone.

I couldnt help but look at a few other female fb walls in order to see how many ppl were gifted with this video.  I appear to be the only one, at least, out of the people i checked.  Which was not many.

Now, i can't help but wonder if this was posted after reading my most recent blog.  But that wouldn't make any since, because this video does not relate to my blog, that is soley about MY experience(s), not anyone else's.

I do not run a "blanket blog"'.   Everything in this blog is privy to MY life and MY life only.  The thoughts, opinions and feelings shared are from my life and my experiences and are not meant to represent a whole gender or race or nation of people, unless otherwise noted.

So this video....could not have been about my blog ....right?

Then i think to myself....it would have to be.  What other random reason would this massive display of tom foolerly be gifted to my wall w/o so much as a "Lmao" hashtag.  Surely this was a joke.  MInd you, i am at  work, so I am not able to listen to it in its full capacity.  What I have heard sounded very hostile and may have put me off before i could get to the ending where it all comes together for the greater good, but when i see RIP as the title, i can't help but think someone was attempting to get a rise out of me.  Well here is the rise.

Have a great day sir.
I strongly disagree with what i have heard so far, but, i will finish listening to it when i get home...just to be sure that i havent formed an ill-opinion.....however, i am mildly offended at what i've heard.  

i will leave this on my blog so the video that MrPerson posted to my fb wall, can reach more and many people. *shrug*  maybe that will make his day that much better.  I dont know.

This is what some people think about black women.....
and apparently, 

And i'm ok with that.
Because i know God
and i know better.


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