
On to the Next One...

hold up- ....

if Hov thinks its all about progression, then he would love whats about to happen right now....its 10:19am and we are about to exit the room and head to Philadelphia.....first stop, Bob Evans....next stop, Philadelphia.....and so we say goodbye to DC... : (

well....yesterday we spent the ENTIRE day in the room....gabby came down with some killa cold and so she needed to get as much rest as possible.....so tourist actions were shut down and what we saw two days ago, was what we have to take with us.....its all good though....i'll be back.....i enjoyed the white house and the walk  to it....downtown is full of so much....so many buildings, tall, big, wide, two story mcdonalds, lights, camera's and plenty of action....everything looked so prestigious....like you can tell a lot goes down in that downtown as far as America is concerned.....but i digress.....

so...yesterday i decided to cook....hahahhahaha...microwave style....im a mammal, so i guess i can adapt really good.....but then i haven't had a stove in over a year......kissed the good life goodbye in summer of 08.....lol.....actually kissed the good life goodbye in summer of 07.....i think staying in the high rise was the best place of my life....as small and compact as it was, i would give anything to lounge around in there with my beautiful 15th story view, my doorman and my elevator.....yeah....and my shower/bathtub too...
 but i digress....or at least i should...lol

anyway....i fried chicken before we left so we'd have something to snack on, on the road without having to make too many extra stops......but i fried two packs of chicken tenders, so we had plenty....our room has a fridge, so that made keeping the chicken up pretty easy....i went to the store yesterday.....or should i say to this raggedy walmart who's food aisles were in the middle of the store and were equaled about five aisles, plus a freezer on two sides that had everything from milk and butter to frozen pizza's together like a VP store.....it was the worst walmart i've ever been too and that aint saying much, but it really was a catastrophe.....anyway....
i bought a small pack of mashed potatoes, a microwave steamers bag of sweet corn and two biscuits from popeyes.....i was hoping for a KFC so i could mac and cheese, but there was none....i took salt and pepper from Mcdonalds, who's only dollar pop is a small (wtf) and i bought styrophome bowls to cook/eat in....oh and the plasticware came from Wendy's.....it was funny popping in and out of the fast food stores, taking unauthorized seasonings and forks....hahahahah.....i didnt feel bad about mickey d's at all after i saw they didnt have a real dollar pop!!!

came back to the room, hooked up everything in the microwave and you couldnt tell us we didnt have sunday dinner....lol....i'm a mammal maaaaannn...told you that!!!

so that was i guess the grand highlight of yesterday......the spot we hit up, Verses, two nights ago was really dope...it was downstairs, in a cave....a literal cave.....and it was cold....just like i'd imagine a cave would be.....lol....but it was dope...it was like sitting inside of a tree trunk.....they had some of the dopest singers i've ever heard.....and the headbanger rock poet was one for the books.....WHERE ARE YOU SPENDING YOUR MONEY AT NIGGA!!!!!

YEAH....you woulda had to be there to see it...i'll have to talk about him later.....gab's getting out the shower and i'm supposed to be packing up/writing down the philly directions from our room cause its CHECK OUT TIME (we gotta go.....we gotta go ooooo)
not blogging....
but i felt like it this morning for some reason....this is my last blog from DC YA"LL!!!!
i wonder how many ppl read my blogs...
how many of my naptown poets/friends/fans read my blog.....
i wonder this because sometimes i want to send out public OR poet service announcements and i have one on my heart, but i wonder if it will get out....
alpha reads it
so i'll tag him....he'll help spread the word....
its about our poets......our folks that dont do this full time....who do have jobs, families and so forth and write poetry because they love it, not because its a sport....
not because they are slam poets or want a top spot and a lot of stacked cheese (come to midtown for an explanation of stacked cheese).....i'm talking about the poets who just love to write and sometimes spit poetry....it won't always tickle everyone's fancy, but it helps them.....it won't always gain a standing O (which i got btw at Verses for doing Preaching to the Choir : ) , but them standing at the mic is a relief button pusher.....this is for the poets who are simply poets at heart, mind and spirit.....not some sort of public display of everyone's affection....not the die hard, i gotta make it at this, ppl like me.....
this is for those who just want to come out, hear some poetry, maybe spit some, get some respect for it (some respect they can keep LOL GABBY) and sit back down and get back to listening....not texting, leaving after they are done or talking thru someone's entire set...this is for them....uh oh....
here comes gabby...
gotta go....

1 comment:

  1. I read!! Sometimes I get behind (like now!!) but I'll catch up!! I live part of the life I dreamt of living through you...the non-domesticated, free-spirit-wanna-see-everydamnthingican side, while I sit in my cozy innercity townhouse listening to my daughter giggle at Spongebob while chicken bakes in the oven and I fuss about field trips and politics...but I digress!!!

    I got you boo!! Keep writing!!
