Its been a minute.....
I have a lot of blogs now...
and a lot of places to spazz out and vent....i am currently OFF the Facebook circuit indefinitely.....i can't handle that abundance of opinions anymore....its like if you disagree with folks on fb, you are the anti-Christ....i watched so many ppl become annoyingly upset about the breast feeding debate....folks who were opposed were angry at folks doing it....mothers who were for it were angry at ppl who were against it.....
and then there was ole middle ground ass JY.....i don't oppose or support.....i mean, i guess i support it...i know i don't oppose it....i'm just ....there. I don't have kids.....and i could go into the 'if i did have kids' tyrant, but the fact is that i don't and if i know one thing for sure, that is we can say what we WOULD do IF so and so happened, but that does not make it, i will bypass that and simply say, in a forum where my opinion IS what counts the most (and there are no readers since i don't post the links to this and Queen, my avid no link necessary reader is gone), i can say this:
As a woman without children, it makes me lose some of my comfort when breastfeeding occurs in front of me.....i ain't gonna say anything....i'm not gonna request it end or anything, but to auto assume that I am or SHOULD be comfortable when breastfeeding happens is unjust...i'm not a parent, so i don't share that same mentality and if i were, it might would change (or it might not), but for what its worth, i RESPECT what is happening and adjust my lack of comfort to the doesnt put me in such a space that i can't operate functionally any longer until its over....its just makes me 'lose some of my comfort"......its called a COMFORT ZONE for a reason: "because it is what we are used to".....
I don't even have children/babies in my regular life, so its not something that i am accustomed to being around or being privy to, therefore, when it happens, if it happens while i am around, why should it be EXPECTED that i am ok???? Not that ME is the most important factor in that moment......and that is what began my descent from the facebook world.....
It seemed as though sharing my opinion on that would have gotten me banned from the cool girls circle, which i never asked to be apart of in the first place and cannot confirm that i AM apart of today....however, the idea of profiled people coming at me with cyber pitchforks because i have differing opinion made me sick to my someone who has become increasingly OPEN about my opinion, it made me shut the fuck up and while i wasn't cowered over in the corner, i wanted to speak up for those who might feel like me, without getting 100 moms all over my comment section, all capping me about what the problem i said nothing. And that pissed me off....because i felt like i SHOULDNT say anything......
Which is the problem....i SHOULD...i should be able to have an opinion that isn't the same as yours and we should both be able to be PASSIONATE about it.....without arguing.....i'm an accomodater i understand that my breakdown often occurs at me trying to make sure comfort is experienced around me as much as possible.....hmmm...i should blog about it on the Recorder site and show how bold i really am....but i don't want to deal with that....idk, perhaps i will...also, ACCOMODATER is NOT a word. BTW.....
Anyway....from there went the jailed mugshot dude, of which i felt like the pitchfork team was gearing up to come after me about him because i disagreed with new found celebrity......but i digress....its not that disagreeing that pushed me....its the PRIVILEGE that too many ppl are finding along the mean streets of facebook and that is that THEIR opinion takes precedence over ALL things......and that simply is not the truth.....none of our opinions are better than the other.....the only better thing is the TRUTH and in some alleyways, there is NO truth to be had; there is simply opinions......
So i bailed...because i am over my neck in people's opinions and their defense and subsequent cyber crucifixion of other opinions...yeah, that IS going to be a blog. Seriously......
i came to say something completely different than what i am saying...i can't quite remember what that was because i apparently just went on a long tangent, so i digress,
step back
and i feel like i shall. :) I MISS YOU QUEEN. <3 nbsp="" p="">3>
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