“Did the world start back yet?”
We laughed….
we had stopped the world days ago…actually, it was only hours ago….or maybe over night…some where in the midst of pausing Earth’s rotation, I lost count of time.
The hours started blending together.
The daylight folded into night darkness but from the moment I walked in his door to the one lit Yankee Candle on the counter, flickering like an S.o.S. of my initials, all consciousness of things surrounding us was turned off. The only thing that became existent was the folds of our skin….
the locking of our eyes….the laughter that we threw in the air and watched turn into diamonds. See, he says when I smile, there is a part of one of my eyes that has diamond shine. I told him that his smile was THE premiere smile of the Century. I had never before been in this close of proximity with one so gorgeous and it was my intent to make it appear as much as humanely possible. We laughed at our cheesy game time plays…..he ran his hand thru my hair several times. Once while we were in the kitchen.
I told him I desired to cook for him and on the menu for the evening I’d chosen to make my famous chicken fettuccini w/a special dessert. An apple crostada; because all teachers should have an apple
And teacher, he was. He taught me something in those hours we spent forgetting the rest of everything. He showed me how to extend my arms, lock my eyes and breath….until the world halted on its axis. We practiced and I was tested all night long. Sexual ? No….this wasn’t about sex. We were mentally somewhere on another planet. We weren’t mars or Venus or even Saturn….with its rings. Nope. We were …on the undiscovered. We’d locked our minds in a spaceship and catapulted across the country and outside the boundaries of Earth itself.
Our minds were galaxies of stars and shit. Yeah. We picked stars like roses. Mental gardens. And this night, that started in the late afternoon hours after work, had become the night of firsts for me. Not only had we spent months and months talking and exchanging ideas and thoughts, jokes and stories, rainy days and fun dates; we had built up an exuberant amount of anticipation.
We laughed all evening over dinner. We watched movies, we watched TV shows. We played silly games and stopped several times in between all these things to kiss, touch and stare. Gazing back into the space of each others eyes again. The way the room would go silent, despite the faint sounds of our chosen background music, you’d almost think you could see the electricity of our connection extending from one another. Our breaths often became the conversation of the moment. Me on his shoulder.
His chest. His hand in my hair.
Him on my legs. My hands circling his arms.
We breathed together. Nothing else was happening. There were no cars outside blowing horns over barking dogs. There was no violence, no harm, no trash being thrown out of truck windows. No crickets. No grocery stores open. No planes in motion. No. Nothing. We stopped the world.
All night long, we stopped the world. ….together. As if it was something we were professionals at doing…..either that or the natural pull between us could no longer be denied. We went on to string our bodies together to create something like abra cadabra…we definitely made - something…...perhaps not love but a stronger version of “like’’…we made….a decision….one that ushers in the intensity….of everything…his kisses combined with strong pushes could have made fireworks stop mid-blow.
his touches were full of sensuality …our intimacy left me scared….
nervous even.
The next day,
I woke up to him walking in the room w/two glasses of orange juice and a toothbrush still in the package. My scarf less hair stiffly bounced off my ears as I brushed it back and buried my face in my hand. He sat on the edge of the bed and said “good morning”.
I looked at him and said “Did the world start back yet?”
We laughed.
The sun beaming in thru the cracks of his bedroom blinds dared us to test our abilities all over again. We didn’t. I sipped my juice and watched as he sat on the edge of the bed and turned on the TV. ESPN. I rolled my eyes and heard the birds chirping. Earth was gearing up again. I could hear her motors warming up. I scooted to the side of the bed with my back to him and began looking for my clothes. Neither of us had consumed any alcohol the night before yet my BAC. felt over the legal limit. I was dizzy. I grabbed my forehead and saw a pile of folded clothes on his dresser. Ahhh the ole naked walk of shame. Nice.
I stood, sucked in my belly and walked to the dresser. Before I knew it, I felt like I was spinning. But I was. He had picked me up and turned me around on some old Clark Gable movie shit. He laid me on the bed and kissed all over my neck while I covered my morning dew breath with my hands. He stopped and looked at me.
No words were exchanged.
The blinds blew back and forth slightly from the open window breeze. The dizziness was subsiding. Probably because I was laying down now. He stared continuously and slowly began touching my face. I tried to keep the tears out of my eyes that I wasn’t sure of their purpose right now anyway but I could feel them. There was something in his eyes that I connected to. He moved his lips close to mine and teased me with pretend kisses. Before we had a tongue fight he said to me “I want to dress you”.
We laughed. It was silly. All that staring and this fool says some old Billy Dee Williams movie shit. LOL! My dizziness continued to fade away as I sat up. Earth had found her mojo. We both wanted to lay there. We both wanted to talk and laugh until our voices turned magic and we could poof and be back in space. But our schedules didn’t give us that much time. Not right now. But our desire strengthened. Our connection continued to grow. Our sex was magical and our emotions were wide open. We saw that….it was why we locked eyes so perfectly.
As he dressed me in my sweats and t-shirt, the sound of the outside began to become more crispy. I didn’t hear them until he tapped me on my side and said all done. We had stopped the world….again….it was like a mini stop. He walked me to my car and we kissed away our goodbyes. We had a weekend trip coming up out of town together. It wouldn’t be long before we saw each other again. And we talked every day. Every night. We didn’t let our schedules dictate our connection.
Everyone wants a connection with someone. Eff what you heard.
And for that one night, we stopped it all. We placed everything on hiatus and explored a public hibernation. Nothing existed outside of our skin and voices. We didn’t just create one beautiful chapter in our book, we learned how to make all the other words disappear.
We stopped the world. Maxwell would be so proud.
*just some randomness from listening to Maxwell…not a true story tho*
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