
Ticking Time Bomb



Its my “scary age” as they say on sex in the city.  Matter a fact, as I sit here, on my loveseat sofa with the fan blowing in the opposite direction of my thoughts, I feel like I should stop this literary session briefly to exchange A Perfect Murder with one of the fun, flirty seasons of Sex in the City.  SITC is my designated Sunday show and my writing show.  Whenever I have nothing else to watch or want to watch something and be amused to write at the same time (and it not be to music), I pick SITC.  After all, I’m JUST shy of being the black Carrie, with a splash of seemingly ALL three of the other ladies; strong emphasis on Samantha.  #DontJudgeMe

hmmm….shall I break?

I think I shall.  So with that said, in a play by play sort of blog, I shall BRB. . . -

15 minutes later.


So that turned out to be more …I ended up making a quick gas station run. Any who, back to the lecture at hand….Now playing Politically Erect, episode 1 of season four…I think..

my scary age. …..35 …..those closest to me can attest to the fact that if there is anyone out here proud of EVERY age she turns, it is me.  I age myself the next year, six months into my newest change.  I am proud of my age, whatever it is.  I always have been and have never understood ppl who don’t claim their ages.  I never understood why it was disrespectful to ask a woman how old she was.  In my mind, I’m glad to have made it THIS far, so let me shout it and celebrate it with a weekend (or week) of parties, shots and laughter.   But if ever there was an age that scared me, it is 35.   Its like the beginning of the end of your youth.  No one calls you young anymore unless they are significantly older than you.  35 is that, “if you don’t know it by now, what the hell have you been doing all this time” age….for me.  Thirty five is the beginning of the change; in varying aspects.  Your body starts making jokes and pulling tricks that are only described as menopause later.  Your egg production decreases, the pickings get slimmer and it begins to seem as if where you are is where you will be. …at least in SOME areas.

But more VIP than all the above mentioned, 35 is the age I said I wanted to be when I moved to NYC.

and its close.

very….I am 33 …I am putting a quick end to the youthful side of my numeric and moving full speed into a seasoned GROWN ASS WOMAN.   ….the scary part, is I’m STILL trying to make it…..whatever it is….hell I even wonder if I’m still trying to figure out what “it” is……the thing about SITC is they talked about these issues, but each of them were perfectly placed in their respective careers…..mine is still up in the air…..although I AM experiencing job stability for the first time in my life…..33…time is rolling on the river and I seem to alternate between swimming and barely floating with my nose up.  *shrug* 

So…..I say all this to say, I want to start a 35 series on this blog…however, if you read some or all of the prior postings on here, you will find my intent to start LOTS of different types of blog series….currently it is my attempt to use my other EBlog to start the La Douleur eXquise (formerly the eXquisite Pain) series. ….of which I bring my audience closer to the various characters of the next show….after last night’s preview of one of my characters and how well it went, I think perhaps I may actually get on top of it but we’ll see….I have a full plate and a side of assorted desserts, so some things fall to the wayside…..this new series, the 35 series, hopefully will not land on the bench…I really think it’s a great idea to get me blogging when I want to blog but don’t have anything I’m interested in discussing….Listing is always fun, so this series will be a collection of lists…..different lists of 35, starting with 35 things I would say to the younger me….

that is sorta where the idea was birthed from….we’ll call it the Father …lol….I’ve seen and heard a lot of ppl writing or talking about all the things they’d say to a younger version of themselves or writing letters to the different ages of their life and so forth…I wanted to do one but am not a big fan of bandwagons…..so to make it ok in my mind, its just gonna be apart of this series….lololol….

So….I didn’t plan on this blog being THIS long, so I will blog my first list separately….but we’ll start with the 35 things I’d say to a younger me.   And from there, hopefully I can keep this series as a point guard and we will see how it grows and how many baskets it makes !



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