
31 Days of januarie: The Art of Self Discipline


One of the things I need most in my life is self discipline.  Right now, even as I type this, I am doing something that I should not be doing, simply because I said to myself that I would not be doing it….yet here I am.  This lack of self-discipline spills out in other areas of my life, and with the mission I am on and the things I want to do and accomplish, not having this personal trait in my repertoire could prove to deadly, if only emotionally and professionally. 

rather than make new year’s resolution’s, I just make it a point to continue to grow.  You shouldn’t wait until the end of the year to collect all the things that went wrong in the year so you can make some grand resolution to be carried out and abandoned within the first 31 days of the new year.  So for me, I just continue what I’ve done the rest of the year…… grow.
What I WILL do differently this year is to try to practice something every month that will help me grow, be it artistically, mentally, spiritually or whatever.  I WANT TO GROW!!!!!
- I have to be realistic about myself.  I know who I am, how I operate and what I do.  I know what I will abandon and how fast.  The key to growing and/or resolutions is not just to make realistic ones, but to have a plan of execution.  For us creative people, monotony is dangerous.  Repetition can create an almost instant abandon ship situation.  So I came up with something in my head that I know will work for me.  It will show me (and whoever is paying attention) my discipline, or lack thereof.  This month, my focus is on self discipline.  A much needed trait in my life.  But in order to practice practicing self discipline, I have to have enough self discipline to do so.  Go figure.  So I spiced it up. 
for the next 31 days, I will be posting a picture a day.  Who knows who or what it will be.  It may be me.  It may be a rainbow or a butterfly or a smokescreen.  It may tell my mood of the day or how I feel at that second.  There is no plan for what it will be.  The rules are that the picture cannot come from offline and must be taken by me; not necessarily that day, but sometime within that week or so..  So that means I have to keep my camera on me handy.  People who the know the real ins and outs of me, know that photography is not something I just like to have done, but it is secretly one of my inner passions.  I think it’s part of the reason I love photoshoots so much; even though I am not the one taking the pictures, I get to play with fantasy and looks and blah blah blahstuff photographers like I love it and if but for writing, I think photography would have been my niche.  But I just like it for sport.  So I figured, in order to spice up the art of practicing self discipline, I would create a daily task that requires discipline, but only a speck of it.   It only takes a brief moment, especially in the age of technology, to take a picture and post it.  Lots of times I have attempted recurring posts of some sort and they always get lost in the folds because of that lack of discipline.  So that makes this a true challenge for me.  Its something I have never had the discipline to pull of before, but in the practice of this trait, I will likely force the discipline upon myself with such an ease that it becomes second nature quickly. 
well, at least that’s what I’m hoping.
So for the next 31 days of January, I will be posting pictures from “the januarie files”, daily.
the album has already been created on my facebook page and is called 31 days of januarie.  (duh) The first picture, as you can see, has already been posted.
in addition to the facebook posts, I will attempt my hand at weekly blogs, or sometimes daily blogs that will go with the picture.  The blog will simply tell what inspired the picture, what I got from the picture and blah blah blah.whatever comes from the picture. 
I am headed to the top.  I am done playing games.  I am a Star.  I am the Sun.  I deserve to enjoy my life, having lived out my purpose to the best of my potential.  I am on my second wind artistically.  I can either make it work or lose out.  I can own the year or wonder what happened to it.  I  can be the sun or I can be happiness; I can depend on what happens. 
In order to come out on top, I must have self discipline.  I want to see the world, travel the skies and live my life according to the path already designed for me.  and I know its there.  What better way to start this assignment with a picture from The Rock. 
The top of the rock!

1 comment:

  1. You have the ability to make anything happen. You have already made waves by having a plan, a list, a goal to reach for the next 31 days. I wish u the best and let's take over the world!!.
