
Gumbo Poet.

i'm halfway done with my cd and i must say  i couldnt be more excited, proud and happy of what i have accomplished so far, and what i know is to come when i go back to finish it.....i can't believe that this day is finally setting sail to be here...it seems like such a long awaited event....and maybe i'm the only person that was awaiting this day, but i'm telling you.....what i feel now, can't be compared to anything short of the excitement u feel when you are baking toll house cookies and you got some ice cold fresh milk, and you go to the oven to check on them and they are almost done, but they need about five more minutes....

that feeling...the feeling of wanting to just break off a still semi raw piece and eat it, just to satisfy your thirst, even if only for a hot second....THAT feeling...is what i feel now....and i love it.....

if i had to describe what i think about this cd...how i classify it...or who'd i compare myself to, i'd say no one....its a mix of neosoul, rock and r&b, with a splash of hiphop and 100% me....it embodies who i am....i've been thinking over the last few days, what kind of poet at i....i went and saw Jessica Care Moore at the Historical Society and she was very moving to the crowd and powerful, all while being simply dressed in a black dress, some black heels and a cute spring of feathers from her hair....her bling was beautiful, but still minimal....she wasnt jeweled up with bracelets and gloves.....she wasnt jumping around or getting hype with her poems....she wasnt running out of breath and seemed to time her swallows perfectly.....she was great....at doing her....for a second...a split one....i wondered if i do too much....i wear all that, that she doesnt....and i'm still here....in indy....making the rounds in circle city....i do run out of breath sometimes and occasionally, you'll hear me stop my poem for a spit swallow.....

am i political.....do i talk about war or healthcare....do i discuss enough of politics....do i teach people or bring people to light on anything.....

am i in love all the time....am i angry.....pissed off at men and women....do i hate my father every other poem and love to have sex in the rest....who the hell is nsay.....why dont i use my name and is it possible for my "name" to stop me from getting in certain places....these are all a collection of things i have thought about ....

and for it...my only answer is ....i am me....i discuss me in 95% of my poems....and in the other 5% where i discuss things i havent necessarily experienced, i still incorporate my life in it in some way....do i wear too much jewelry, dress to sexy or go too far with my look....nope. i am rockstar poet and have been since i got here....i always knew it, ya'll didnt....lol....
i dress my way, in my own style...i like a little bit of everything and as i grow older, my style changes and things that used to be the shit to me, arent....i love heels and will wear them until i cannot anymore and i love dresses, jeans, shorts, skirts, short skirts, shirts, tshirts, ...grunge, gruff, rock, hiphop, etc....i am all things style....but my own....i do things the way i want to....

am i political....nope...not really...i have a section of poems i call the "not so political political poems"....i am angry and happy, mad and hurt....pissed and horny.....i am everything...i am not just one feeling regurgitated over and over in different wording.....i am in and out of love, i see the middle of things more often than, i understand both sides and agree to speak for all.....i
a gumbo poet.....
can be made with or without chicken, shrimp or adouille sausage, but best when eaten with the element of surprise..i use my life to relate to others....i dont do a lot of preaching but somehow i managed to find a few people who consider themselves fans of mine...i've even been called someone or two's "favorite poet"...and dare i never forget the little girl that cried when she met me, after listening to brownstone in brooklyn *of course*....so it seems i dont need to be any one of those other things....when i first started performing, one night a long time ago.....at the Cozy...Hypnotiq was hosting in place of Ill Holiday....when it came time for her to introduce me, she said something that has stuck with me every since....it is a statement that i grew to live by, write by and accept myself as.....

she said "this next poet coming to the stage, i never know what to expect from her"

thats me.
gumbo poet.
expect nothing but pureness...i am me....beautifully made and self accepted.....i am a style rock star....a poetic cross between rihanna, jill scott and Lauryn hill....am i comparing myself to them. YES.  Am i as good as them. Yes. even if you dont agree.  Its not about what you think. Its about what i think.  And i am a gumbo poet.

complete with a new cd of growth and promise.  Til Death Do Me Poetry, i promise to be an as good of me, as i can possibly be.


  1. Glad to see your baby is coming to term quickly and ready to be born. I pray I can come share in your joy at the release party but even if not, know that I rejoice with you in your success!

  2. Love it....Gumbo poet you are that...the element of surprise is always the meal you serve to us as your audience...and it's always good to the last drop!

  3. I met you no longer than 3 weeks ago & I will truely say that I am in love with nsay! You are so real, without a doubt I'm a huge fan!! My mother finds it amazing that my addiction is no longer texting but reading all of this poets blogs, poems, and writing my own! Its crazy but congrats and good luck in all that you do! Hope you can make it!
    -Zii, Zinga, Nzinga
