And the Saga continues, I asked you not to keep speading lies about me, I seen all the memo's in your life from age 12 thats why I tried to get you some help, I love you dearly but enough is enough, it was your choice to run away and tell me on a day I was going to surgery fighting for my life you were a pole dancer, it was your choice to allow ... See Moresome one to stick a gun to your head, you had a home freaking leave,you have never talked to me and you know if you had of told me then I would of done something, like helping him to get a permanant stay at crown hill, you have had the best of every thing, a house on Kessler blvd that you destroyed made a hoe house out of with Devon selling drugs to, I have paid your rent in every place you have lived and my so called man did not get me put out for smoking weed as well as not paying rent., you live next door in a house, I bought for your ass. I pay the damn morgage on, taxes and insurance and was paying the utilities, but you can go on tour and spend money, knowing your old ladies got your damn back, poetry may be something you like and I like your poetry, you are good, but get a freaking job pay your way and get off my back, you are the same person that won't come and help no one in your family. your great grandmother lives with me have you ever offered to comb her hair, bring her a sandwich with out some one asking you to. what have you ever done for any one in your family if you help any one they have to pay you and they help pay your way in life, you the same girl that has never given me a christmas present or birthday, that hurt to know some one you love don't think enough of you to even give you a freaking card, but I remember that you gave Gabby plenty on Christmas and Geno in my house you gave Queen a party on my anniversery where the hell is my card, as I said you are ungratful and every one owes you./I have bought all your cars, paid rent every where you lived, you got the nerve to talk shit about me on my damn internet on one of two computers I bought and you are changed,I provide you with a roof over your head right now, but that is not good enough for you. you have those fake ass friends who won't tell you that you need a job, and clean your freakin house up they want to look at me like I done something to you, AND YOU HELP THEM BUT WHERE IN YOUR STORY HAS ANY OF THOSE SO CALLED FRIENDS HELPED YOU. your imagination is really good, girl you need to be on TV. they should be real and tell you to get a job you been in that house 1 yr and nine months, and you have not had a job in that time either, so WHO NEEDS TO GET THE DAMN MEMO, and on top of that do you have the $300 bucks to fix your furnance, no but you got lip and guess who got to pay for that and another thing you get this memo when you can step into the shoes of a changed woman and pay your way in life, and every one needs some help, but I can't pay for your whole self of being and I should not have too, I have paid my way all my adult life and you were never with out any thing, at least take your ass back to school and complete some of the many things you started. I will never see you hungry or in the streets but it is time you took responsibilty for your self, learn to cut grass. shovel. snow or get a man who will do those thing instead of??????? , now leave this facebook shit alone, I could say so much more but it is not a big deal, but you will not lie on me, and if you got a problem come next door and talk to me,one sided conversation is bull, any of you who comment on the things said between my child and me if it is not positive keep your fucking comment to your damn self. do you hear me TONI BROWN and whom ever else.nice poem even that it is based on lies, spend your time speaking of the women who raised your ass, and learn to speak kindly, no one has ever done any thing but love and except you for who you are, and you feel what you feel cause you are not doing what you should. don't blame it on any one but your self. this family has always stood behind you, and families do something to stop the talk. pay your own way in life and stop thinking you are entitled to some one else's money.Johnson
on more thing if you was right you would have went and got your gas stove hose and had Bob hook that up you would at least had some heat, but If I don't pay someone you freezing and I bet you don't even have the tac in your poetic blood to thank him. you say the right things in your poetry but we are your family and backbone amd this life is not a ... See Morejoke, have you ever said thanks .but it is a sure thing that you will paste some bullshit on this wall. I think as your mom if you want to continue to make up shit about me, it's gonnas be time for you to hit the streets and then maybe we can get on track. it is almost 5am in the morning It hurts that you continue to lie on me, but the bad part is your friends see that you anin't paying shit no where and they give me grief, I have always treated them all as my them too. then you got some folk. got the nerve to paste some words, they did not know your mom is on your wall too.Don't write nothing else. last time telloing you you make you focal point some where else or I can go in to details since this is the gossip show. I love you and you need to get some help if you think I am the cxause of your problems. I am not you are. have a goos morning
but I must add if you continue to post your truths that you call them I will call my wireless carrier and have it turned off. I have over 500 real friends whom I visit, and they see this crap it is not happening, you won't use my wireless to express you fabicated thoughts and make me the person whochose your wrong decisions in life. i WILL EXPRESS AGAIN i LOVE YOU, i DO NOT LIKE YOU AND YOUR WAYS. YOU CAME FROM MY ASS, you were the smartest baby God put on the face of the earth, potty trained and walkind 9 months old knew evert nursery ryme and could recite them, in the at program skipped from kindergarden to 2nd grade, you have been a great sourse of comfort to me, but where is my baby. K. if you don't plan on being in a family for better or worse, your Grandmother was burnt in a fire, she has not even seen you, your grandmother what is your problem, you got a lying poem about her too what she do to you that make you don't want to help her either, did you think I was gonna let you keep talking about my family, where are you on family level. but you know all you people who are her friends she hates her whole family I as her Mom and on the internet fight back do you think after her grandmother was burned she has went to see if she could help her, if she did so did you and you folk don't even know her grandmother. Friends how many us have them, bye if I think of some more crap I will be back.
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